Blues has a way of "worming" itself into most music. Even old bluegrass from Scotland or Ireland has a certain level of underlying blues in it. ... just my opinion. If you take a song that's in a general/ traditional form, without any "black keys" (I'm a piano player), and you throw a few "black keys" in there, you wind up with some type of a blues riff.
For some absurd reason, I've never gotten into listening to blues music... I'm not sure what's wrong with me.... I should love the blues..... by the way, don't comment on what's wrong with me!!!! HAHA However, I have a HUGE respect for the style of Blues music. ... you really can't beat that type of music. I love it because you never know what note is coming next. Blues and Jazz are both types of music that can always provide a surprise. Blues music is unpredictable.... it will always surprise you.
Blues music is a very forgiving and an innovative form... I can throw in a sharp or flat wherever I want to, and it will fit right into blues. So, I guess I don't dislike blues, it's just never been my favorite. But, as far as respect goes... the blues has it!!!!!
Besides, if I'm playing the piano and hit the "wrong note"... turns out to be the perfect note if I choose to go with it in a blues style!!!!
As I've said more then once, I'm sure, I grew up listening to Bob Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, a few classical albums, Billy Joel (yes, still my hero), Cat Stevens, Buddy Holly (sp?), and, well, some more Bob Dylan.
Dad wasn't really a Billy Joel fan, so I'm not sure how I wound up with all of his records..... yes, records.... no, not 8 tracks, not cassette tapes, cds, or whatever the hell persons buy music on now!!!!!! There's something about holding a record in your hand that is so incredibly satisfying. OH, I left out Janis Joplin!
As I think you know, Dad turned 70 the other day. I wrote him a note saying how happy and thankful I was that he introduced me to such a great range of music ..... as far back as I can remember, those previous albums were my introduction to music..... go dad!
I forgot another early influence... big band (that came from Nana ) .. Glenn Miller.... he's still an idol! .... oh, I think he became an idol during my "saxophone playing days".
I'd be truly lost without music. I love to listen to music, play music, study the "ins and outs" of music, and just feel the "vibes" of music. (I know, that sounded cheezy, but, it's the truth).
I'm pretty sure life would be unbearable without books and music. I make it a point to play my piano or guitar everyday... even if it's just for five minutes. I had a close friend die a few days back. I felt myself sinking into depression. I made myself get off the couch, shuffled myself over to the piano, and just sat there for a while crying. But, I knew that eventually my fingers would be attracted to the keys, much like a magnet to metal. So, I sat there and waited for my fingers to connect with the keys. Eventually, they did. I knew my fingers could only stay away from that piano for so long.
I suppose if you're used to playing music, you'll understand that playing music is a good thing to do... regardless of any emotions.
Luckily for me, my mistakes within music and woodworking tend to work out for the best. I wind up with an unexpected song or a new design for a piece of furniture. I'll admit, music is very powerful, which is mostly good.... but, songs can evoke memories more vividly than I could ever experience within my memory without music.... that's not always good. Maybe it's strange, but music has a way of bringing me back into a certain point in my life which can often be painful.
But, having lost so much of my memory due to ECTs, even painful memories are somewhat welcomed.
I can't remember if I ever told you this story, but when I was stuck in Menninger (mental ward) for four months, music wasn't allowed. I managed to to run speaker wires under the carpet from my bedroom, through the main living space, and through a hole that led to the "smoking porch" outside. We spent a few days enjoying listening to music before I got "busted." But, it was worth getting busted in order to have a few days in which we could all listen to some music.
For the life of me, I can't remember what music I played. But, I suppose any music was better then none. I always had speakers hooked up in my room... the staff didn't bother me about that. I guess they were happy to see me staying in my room and not causing a raucous.
Well, dear, I couldn't possibly write you back with anything less then a few paragraphs of nonsense. I do hope you are doing well.
cheers, bird
Never cared for opera, but I have listened to a lot of classical music over the years.
My general taste for music is Old Country. Southern Rock, and above all, BLUES!!!
My current favorite is Joe Bonamassa.