Hi folks. Haven't posted in a while but have been checking in. Last September I managed to break my leg. Tibia cracked but not displaced - in 4 places. I am back to work but still sore.
The guys had their first Barn Sale this year. Pick of the day: 16" long Irwin 'perfect handle' screwdriver - two bucks!
The drivers are cleaned up, but the brake tools will be a bit more time consuming to 'restore".

The red driver is 1/4" but brand not readable. When I go to the barn sale I always try to find some kind of wire brush - then I use it to clean rusty tools to see the brand name or other marks. This wire brush is a "Speedy".

K-D No. 2774, Indestro No. 342, in the separate ray is a ratty worn knife made by Ontario Knife Co. Brake spring tool marked only No. 88, The two levers are marked Taiwan and Japan. Crestoloy pliers.
I'll see what I can do with the metal box, without wasting too much time on it.
Jordan, NY