Author Topic: WARNING! Public Service Announcement! RE: Vintage Tool Catalogs  (Read 4628 times)

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Offline four.cycle

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WARNING! Public Service Announcement! RE: Vintage Tool Catalogs

Unfortunately there are some people for whom no depths are too low to stoop when it comes to any opportunity for making a buck.

In this instance, I am referring to an unscrupulous Ebay seller who is attempting to monetize information which has been made publicly available for free (by the Herculean efforts of a few individuals, particularly Mr. Stansbury.)

HERE is the link to an assortment of "catalogs" which are offered for sale on CD, almost all of which have been sourced from material available for free from The International Tool Catalog Library.

While I am a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of capitalism and free enterprise, I find the attempt to take advantage of unknowing victims repugnant, particularly when other than the pittance paid for blank CDs, the ROI for this individual is virtually pure profit.

This is a personal affront to me, because some of that material is stuff that I paid a lot of money for and donated for free to and to the International Tool Catalog Library, for the express purpose of being made publicly available for other collectors at no charge.

Don't be a victim. Don't be taken advantage of by buying from this guy when you can download it all for free from The International Tool Catalog Library

Please pass the word along. Thank you.


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Re: WARNING! Public Service Announcement! RE: Vintage Tool Catalogs
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2021, 09:17:17 PM »
thanks for posting.