I've been traveling and just got back to the computer. After reading a little I discovered your crash. Well it's good to see a restart. I only recently joined in early April without a proper introduction. So, I'll take this opportunity to tell.
I have buckets of tools yet to be viewed. They are from my father (a farmer, mechanic and machinist who threw nothing away) and from my neighbor (a farmer who threw nothing away), my house (whose previous owners threw nothing away) and me (a retired university engineer who in spite of his wife's urging can throw little away). My wife introduces me as a guy who would rather build another shed than part with a piece of junk.
I also owned several Triumph motorcycles (I still have one sorely in need of attention), Triumph and Morris Minor cars, a 1939 International F20 tractor, a Ford NAA tractor, a 1933 Plymouth Coupe, A 1935 Dodge pickup and all sorts of small engines that I played with. Other then the F20 and the British cars I still have the rest of the stuff. I also have a wood working shop with both antique and modern tools and machines.
Three years ago I had a fire in my shop (woodstove) that took it and the nearby garage down to nothing. I was able to get most of the rolling stock out (lost the F20 and a very nice 1920's Johnson outboard motor). Most of the tools were in a different shed. However, I have found that most of the mechanics hand tools that were in the fire have been reclaimable without significant degradation.
A wall in my new barn has a display of tools that I have cleaned up and I need to do a lot more. I know you want pictures and I'll try to get some.
I'm now 69 and still in good health and I like to play. I told my daughter that I was saving this stuff to be distributed among her three boys (ages 3 months to 6 years) and she gave me a rather weird look. We'll see. The older two already fight to see who gets to play in the truck or on the tractor.