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Dug out some old vises

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Looking for a project for later this Spring or Summer, I dug out these old vises.
Reed #105 with a repaired shaft
Parker 88 1/2
Unmarked post vise I got from my great uncle's old tools

Wish I could just "dig out" tools. LOL

I dont know why but that post vise really jumps out at me.

I have a few years head start on you, Neal!

Looks like you have some Great old stock to work with! I'm parcel to the old Post Vice Myself! Are you going to weld an ear mount on the first one shown yourself? I used a nickel rod on my Windmill case, along with pre-heating with a torch, and a whole bunch of hammer peining, and it worked out Great.

Good Luck,


I'm no great shakes at welding, and don't think the broken mount will ever bother me, so it will stay as is. I will try to redo the jaws. The big Parker needs more than I am willing or capable of doing to it. It will have its uses though.


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