Author Topic: CRAFTS OF NEW JERSEY ANNUAL PICNIC  (Read 1850 times)

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Offline Papaw

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« on: August 30, 2016, 08:25:01 PM »
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11; The annual picnic is held on the grounds of the
"Life Camp” formerly known as Brady Camp off Route 78. McCan Mill Rd Tewksbury, NJ 07830. Tailgating begins at 8:00 AM
(please respect this time). A catered lunch is available by pre-registration for members and their guests. After lunch, tool
displays, a "Whatsit" session, and other tool-related club activities are the order of the day. Non-members may visit the
morning tailgating session, but selling is restricted to members. Alcohol is not permitted on the grounds of Camp Brady. Take
Exit 26 off Route 78 (east or west). Head north on Rattlesnake Bridge Road for 1.2 miles to a T intersection with Lamington
Rd. Turn right and then immediately turn left on to Black River Road. Drive approximately 2 miles (watch for CRAFTS signs)
and then turn left onto McMann Mill Road. The camp is on the left approximately 0.7 miles. A total of just under 4 miles off Rt
78. More info , please call Paul Vliet, 610.837.5933 .
Member of PHARTS - Perfect Handle Admiration, Restoration and Torturing Society
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