Today I found myself in the city, sold some scrap, and realized I was ten blocks from my near favorite pawn shop. I been good lately and had not been in there since spring. I spend near a half hour digging thru a bin of sockets, one of wrenches, another of pliers(mostly chinese), and did make up a near handful. Spread across the bins were several Crescent COE wrenches, looked new, just Crescent, and the size, good chrome, sure looked like Asian made? What I took to the counter was, a Mac wood handle Philips no.2, Kraeuter scrolling pliers, JP Daniels standard pliers, and a very nice vintage wood handle blade screwdriver. I offered two dollars and they took it. In the past ten years I've probably carried 50lbs of tools out of this place, and a chain saw or two. The Mac screwdriver was like new, probably dates to the 70s, the other one to the 40s. Did see a Dayton wrench, some rough Lectrolite, Easco, no Plumb, Bonney, or Williams. Was worth the stop, yeah?