Author Topic: Facebook page for wrench sales  (Read 3280 times)

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Offline Papaw

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Facebook page for wrench sales
« on: February 15, 2016, 12:27:09 PM »
  Our friend Dan Chopiak has started a Facebook page for selling wrenches.
The sole purpose of this group is to buy, sell and trade wrenches and wrenches only. You must be willing to ship the wrench if you post it.
Any other tool (planes, Axes, etc...) has countless facebook groups to sell in.
Please keep it to wrenches made prior to 1940 or that have serious collector value if made after that. I'd prefer not to see a lot of mass produced "modern" stuff on here. I feel there are enough places to sell that type of wrench.
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Offline rustcollector

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Re: Facebook page for wrench sales
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 06:14:00 PM »
Thanks for the plug Papaw. I know a lot of folks are tired of ebay fees and what appears to be a lack of interest in ebay as a general rule. I've found a few good wrenches on facebook but it's sort of tricky to find them. If this group can catch on, which will take a while I know, maybe some people can find some better old wrenches they are looking for. You can always post wanted stuff in it too. I posted rules, but I'm really not going to be that strict about things, just wanted to cover my butt on some things. My biggest rule though is that it has to be a wrench, or a tool with a wrench component on it, and that it be old or of serious collector interest. Mainly that is to avoid having stuff listed that isn't even worth the cost of shipping. I really want people to use it to advance their collections and to have fun.

Offline mvwcnews

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Re: Facebook page for wrench sales
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2016, 11:42:05 PM »
Whether it is successful or not depends on whether it stays a small group trading amongst themselves. I'll put a piece in the March MVWC newsletter &  it would also be worth noting in the "standing ad" section of the Directory.

With all its faults eBay does turn up surprising treasures for collectors as buyers,  & some good sellers seem to be using the "stores" feature fairly well.

Offline rustcollector

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Re: Facebook page for wrench sales
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 04:14:50 PM »
Whether it is successful or not depends on whether it stays a small group trading amongst themselves. I'll put a piece in the March MVWC newsletter &  it would also be worth noting in the "standing ad" section of the Directory.

With all its faults eBay does turn up surprising treasures for collectors as buyers,  & some good sellers seem to be using the "stores" feature fairly well.

Thanks Stan. I listed a few things on it and plan to list a bunch more as time permits. The more different stuff we list, the better chance of "outsiders" seeing it in a search. I don't have many Coes or other adjustables to list or I would put some on there to try and catch that crowd. I do have a Mitchell patent adjustable buggy wrench I could list, but I'm not sure what to ask for it. I don't want to have all high end stuff as that will just turn a lot of people away too.More people buy $5 wrenches than they do $100 wrenches.
For now I feel that we should only list things on there that we aren't in a big rush to sell. It's going to take months most likely for people to really catch on to it and trust it, if it does catch on at all. But it didn't cost anything to try so why not? The more exposure we can get for it the better chance it has for working for all of us.

Offline Papaw

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Re: Facebook page for wrench sales
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 04:31:46 PM »
I have a few Coes wrenches that could be put up for sale. I know just having Coes and monkey wrench in searches will attract some folks.
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Offline Papaw

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Re: Facebook page for wrench sales
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2016, 09:34:29 AM »
I want to draw attention to Dan's efforts on the Facebook page. We have several wrenches posted and want more so that the page is found in searches, so go join in and sell some wrenches!

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