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Besco tool .... blacksmith???

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That's a lot of tool just to remove a battery cable. Looks like it would do the job even if you didn't loosen the bolt!

Was it made for larger stuff.... as in , not a car?

If you ever lost your bunion stretcher , it might work in a "pinch."

Aunt Phil:

--- Quote from: Lostmind on November 17, 2015, 03:48:17 PM ---That's a lot of tool just to remove a battery cable. Looks like it would do the job even if you didn't loosen the bolt!

--- End quote ---

I was in a 38 Caddy Monday those tongs would have been perfect for.  Battery is mounted to the frame under the driver's right foot.  Pure sumbeach to get to, and the vacuum driven fan on the steering column is no help unless the engine is running.

The battery in my old MGA was under the miniscule rear floorboard.


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