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Box of Vintage Knifes, etc.

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--- Quote from: lzenglish on May 10, 2011, 07:47:00 AM ---Thanks for the prestigious "You Suck Award", which I accept with Honor Noel! Lol!

Branson: Thanks for the kind words, and I agree that this set is a story all in itself. I could not let it be picked apart, as it was about to be, so I was happy his wife thought enough of my intentions to say take it all for 10 bucks. It will be kept together, and if ever sold, It will go to someone who can appreciate it's history, and quality as I do.


--- End quote ---

I really like the way you think!

Very nice haul of knives there, Wayne. Those butcher knives are great!!

I would love to have a set like that! It would make country life so much easier.

Drool! I would love to have a set even half that complete. Not as collectors but as users.

Really great score!
And so lucky they hadn't been neglected for a generation and all rusted up like you see so often!
 Superb suckage!!
   yours Scott


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