Well despite the offer of new thread I went ahead and tried anyway. It actually worked. I figured if it didn't work or a messed it up I would take Aaron up on his offer if he had the correct size.
I was worried about distoration, so didn't do it all at once. I also pre heated an wrapped in a welding blanket after to help slow down cooling time. Not sure if it was 100% necisary. After building it up I roughed it out with a die grinder, but took to much off. I had to go back in an do another pass. Then work with a file got it shaped pretty well. I had to test fit it a few times. Eventually it fit well.
I probably could of bought thread cheaper then the time it took. The rods weren't cheap either but I already had them. I however for some reason sometimes fix stuff I don't really need . It was just a intresting little project thoe.