Author Topic: Identifying International Harvester Wrenches?  (Read 7906 times)

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Offline clovis

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Identifying International Harvester Wrenches?
« on: October 02, 2011, 08:49:52 PM »
I bought a fairly large lot of International Harvester wrenches at an auction over the weekend.

I am still stunned by the vast amount of tools this collector had...I counted 45 eight foot tables crammed full of antique read that right...45 eight foot folding tables full of old tools.

Nonetheless, I'd love to identify the 80 IH wrenches I have.

Anyone know of a good website or other source for finding out what each of these wrenches were used for?

Thanks in advance!!!!!


Offline jimwrench

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Re: Identifying International Harvester Wrenches?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2011, 10:28:55 PM »
 Gil Irps has a list of International Harvester & Merged Companies Tools and  IHC Tools & Equipment that they were issued with that are
pretty definitive. He sells copies of these lists for a nominal price and updates the list when enough new wrenchs are discovered. I do not keep my copy of MVWC newsletter supplement that contains ads but can provide Gils address if you want to contact him.
 I would not feel comfortable scanning his list as he has put a lot of work into it and has it for sale but would be happy to help identify any IHC wrenchs I can. I can also provide his contact info if you wish to contact him.
Mr. Dollarwrench

Offline clovis

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Re: Identifying International Harvester Wrenches?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2011, 11:32:50 PM »

Thank you for the fast reply!!!!

I would be interested in that list...if it is affordable.

I'd still love to find a decent website with IH wrenches in the mean time.

Can you give me the contact info?


Offline clovis

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Re: Identifying International Harvester Wrenches?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 07:01:38 PM »
I spoke to Gil yesterday.

His book sounds like a winner!!!! He says it is 127 pages, and has over 800 wrenches included in it.

He charges $46 for it, Priority postage paid.

Thanks for the info.