Yesterday I found a cooper's long jointer at a price I couldn't refuse. It's as close to NOS as I have ever seen in a wooden plane -- the edges of the chamfer are crisp and sharp. The real clincher (besides the price) was the D.R. Barton in an oval stamped on the blade. Pictures will come later after No. 1 son wakes up to be conned into taking pics (I'm a terrible photographer).
It's shorter than any at Sutter's Fort at 52 inches over all. Although there are no real indications of use on the sole, it has been modified to work, and there lies my curiosity. A shallow 7/8 inch hole has been drilled into the toe. Expectable. But also, like one of the existing jointers at Sutter's Fort, a notch has been cut (after market) in the back of the plane. The hole I can understand, but why the notch? What system for holding this plane was used? I'm off to the internet to see if it can be found, but thought I'd ask the communal wisdom here first.
The price? It was tagged at $95, but when the shop owner saw I was interested, he said, "I can make that better," and dropped the price to $65. Wallet went into transporter mode and appeared instantly in my hand.