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Hand Planes Thread Index


Jim C.:
Hand Planes Thread Index
With some much needed help from Papaw, I thought that an index might be useful in finding planes and other topics that we previously discussed in the thread.  It might take a little while to work out the bugs, but let's see how things go.  Hopefully this index will be helpful.  Just click on the link below to go back to page one of the Hand Planes thread.

Link to the Hand Planes Thread-  http://www.papawswrench.com/vboard/index.php?topic=9443.msg59439#msg59439

Stanley Planes:

#1 bench plane        page 3, reply 40
                              page 79, reply1172
#4 bench plane        page 1, Original Post
                              page 50, reply 738 (rebranded Craftsman)
#4C bench plane      page 34, reply 502
#4 1/2C bench pln.  page 28, reply 419
#5 bench plane        page 29, reply 433
#5 1/4 bench plane  page 44, reply 656
#6C bench plane      page 4, reply 54
                              page 26, reply 379
                              page 47, reply 693
#7 jointer plane       page 50, reply 738 (rebranded Wards Master)
#9 1/4 block plane   page 1, reply 8
                              page 47, reply 695
#9 1/2 block plane   page 11, reply 163
                              page 22, reply 327
#10 1/2 bnch rbbt    page 45, reply 662
                               page 63, reply 941, 942
#10 1/2C bnch rbbt  page 64, reply 956, 957, 958
#12 scraper             page 55, reply 811
#12 1/2 scraper       page 55, reply 811
#15 block plane       page 35, reply 514
#27 transition plane page 3, reply 34
#36 transition plane page 44, reply 655
#40 scrub plane       page 20, reply 297
                              page 47, reply 696
#41 plow plane        page 6, reply 87, 90
#50 plow plane        page 36, reply 537
                              page 37, reply 554
#56 core box plane  page 8, reply 110
#57 core box plane  page 7, reply 97
#60 block plane       page 38, reply 566
                              page 39, reply 570, 572
                              page 46, reply 676
#60 1/2 block pln.   page 39, reply 572
                              page 46, reply 676
#61 block plane       page 46, reply 676
#62 block plane       page 39, reply 577, 578
                              page 49, reply 730  (cracked throat)
#65 block plane       page 16, reply 238
                              page 47, reply 695
#66 hand beader     page 13, reply 194
#71 router              page 46, reply 686
                              page 46, reply 688 (link to Type Study)
#71 1/2 router        page 15, reply 213
                              page 47, reply 693
#75 bull nose rbt pl. page 34, reply 497
                              page 47, reply 696
#78 dplx/rbt/fill pln. page 15, reply 220
                               page 74, reply 1106
#79 side rabbet pln. page 22, reply 318
#80 cabinet scraper page 45, reply 664
#81 cabinet scraper page 45, reply 664
#82 cabinet scraper page 45, reply 664
                              page 51, reply 755
#85 scraper plane    page 72, reply 1071, 1072
#90 shoulder plane  page 2, reply 25
#90J shoulder plane page 44, reply 654
#94 shoulder plane  page 25, reply 373
#95 block plane       page 14, reply 203
#96 chisel gauge     page 6, reply 75
#97 chisel plane      page 48, reply 711
                              page 48, reply 719 (prototypes)
#100 1/2 block pln. page 28, reply 410
                              page 71, reply 1064 (in use photos)
#101 block plane     page 41, reply 608
#102 block plane     page 69, reply 1021 (photo only)
#103 block plane     page 2, reply 28
#110 block plane     page 44, reply 655
#112 scraper plane  page 39, reply 584
                              page 40, reply 590
#118 block plane     page 13, reply 182, 185
#120 block plane     page 32, reply 465
#130 block plane     page 2, reply 15
                              page 35, reply 515
#131 block plane     page 35, reply 515
#135 trans smthr     page 50, reply 737
#140 block plane     page 24, reply 349
#144 rnd. over pln.  page 32, reply 479
#171 router plane    page 45, reply 672, 673
                              page 46, reply 677
#180 rabbet plane   page 33, reply 494
#190 rabbet plane   page 66, reply 987, 988
                              page 74, reply 1106
#191 rabbet plane   page 66, reply 988
#192 rabbet plane   page 66, reply 988
#193 fiberboard pln page 68, reply 1006, 1007  (plane is incomplete and missing parts)
                              page 68, reply 1012, 1013  (in use photos)
                              page 70, reply 1036
#193A fbrbrd pln     page 70, reply 1036
                              page 70, reply 1041 (operations manual and box)
#193B fbrbrd pln     page 70, reply 1036
#195 hardbd pln      page 78, reply 1166
#203 block plane     page 22, reply 319
                              page 49, reply 734
#220 block plane     page 22, reply 327
                              page 49, reply 734
                              page 65, reply 965
#238 weather strip  page 34, reply 506
                              page 41, reply 603, 604
#239 dado plane     page 58, reply 858, 859
#248 weather strip  page 41, reply 603, 604
#248A weather strip page 41, reply 603, 604
#271 router plane    page 2, reply 29
#278 rabbet fillister page 17, reply 247, 248, 249
#289 rabbet plane   page 50, reply 744
                              page 51, reply 764
                              page 52, reply 765
                              page 52, reply 773
#386 jointer gauge  page 16, reply 225, 226
#602 bench plane    page 30, reply 439
#604 bench plane    page 11, reply 162
#605 1/2 bench pln page 46, reply 682
                              page 47, reply 690
#608 jointer plane   page 42, reply 623
#1203/#1204 smth page 74, reply 1099  (*Defiance* brand made by Stanley)
#1243 bench plane  page 45, reply 663  (*Defiance* brand made by Stanley)
                              page 73, reply 1085, 1089, 1090
#12-101 block pln   page 41, reply 613
#C557B bench pln.  page 62, reply 929
#H1205 bench pln.  page 4, reply 59, 60

Sargent Planes:

#30 series dado       page 74, reply 1106
#79 rabbet/fillister   page 3, reply 36  (rebranded Craftsman)
                              page 74, reply 1106
#81 side rabbet pln  page 60, reply 886
#507 block plane     page 11, reply 162
#708 bench plane    page 30, reply 448
#710 bench plane    page 47, reply 704
                              page 48, reply 706
#4206 block plane   page 13, reply 185

Lie-Nielsen Planes:

L-N Display Case      page 78, reply 1163  (Portland, Maine Airport)
#40 1/2 scrub pln.   page 9, reply 121
#60 1/2 block pln.   page 19, reply 270
                              page 38, reply 566
                              page 43, reply 630
#62 low angle jack  page 9, reply 121
#97 1/2 chisel pln.  page 11, reply 164
                              page 12, reply 168
                              page 48, reply 711

Member Made (member name), Wooden (W), Other Manufacturer (*manufacturer name*) Planes:

bench plane            page 69, reply 1026 (*Carter* #4 size, made in Sydney, AU, ‘48 - ‘72)
bench plane            page 63, reply 930 (*Dunlap* looks like #4 size)
bench plane            page 69, reply 1028 (*Falcon Pope* #09 actual size #4, 1946 - 1956)
bench plane            page 69, reply 1028 (*Falcon Pope* #5 1/2, 1946 - 1956)
bench plane            page 62, reply 927 (*Fulton* looks like #4 size)
bench plane            page 69, reply 1029 (*Pope* #4 size)
bench plane            Page 71, reply 1060 (*Rugol* #4 size)
bench plane            page 69, reply 1027 (*Turner* #4 1/2 size, made in Melbourne, AU, post WWII)
bench plane            page 62, reply 928 (*Victor* looks like #4 size)
block plane             page 41, reply 613 (*Craftsman* model #187.37057)
block plane             page 75, reply 1118 (*Fujiwara* Japanese made - wood bodied)
block plane             page 65, reply 961 (*Sears* possibly made by Sargent, model #217)
block plane             page 65, reply 965 (*Sears* model 187.37461 psbly mde by Stnly, model #220)
block plane             page 60, reply 898 (*Shelton* pressed steel)
block plane             page 36, reply 530 (*Union*)
butt mortise plane   page 17, reply 254 (*R. M. Rumbold, Co.*)
                              page 18, reply 255 (*R. M. Rumbold, Co.*)
                              page 19, reply 271 (Bill Houghton - see link)
                              page 44, reply 659 (Bill Houghton)
cabinet scraper        page 45, reply 664 (*E.C. Stearns*)
cabinet scraper        page 45, reply 667 (*E.C. Stearns* #8)
chisel plane (mini)   page 12, reply 170, 174 (Art Rafael)
chisel planes            page 2, reply 18  (Scottg)
compass plane         page 32, reply 474 (*Record* #020)
core box plane         page 7, reply 95  (*William Bayley*)
horn plane               page 10, reply 143  (W)
homemade plane     page 45, reply 659 (unknown)
jack plane               page 40, reply 595 (*Millers Falls*)
                              page 49, reply 721, 722 (*Rockford*)
                              page 76, reply 1128 (Jim C.) (W)
jointer gauge           page 17, reply 245 (*Millers Falls*)
Lewill2 plow planes  page 21, reply 307 (*A. Mockridge*)
                              page 20, reply 290, 298 (*Conrad Jensen* patent #126707)
                              page 21, reply 304 (*Sandusky* 141 center wheel plow w/6 ivory tips)
                              page 21, reply 310, 311 (*W. Haslar* rack and pinion adjust.)
                              page 27, reply 392, 393 (*E.W. Carpenter* Plow patent #594)
                              page 27, reply 394, 395 (*E.W. Carpenter* Plow / Fillister version)
                              page 27, reply 399, 400 (*Cowell & Chapman* gun mtl, rosewd, boxwd Plow)
                              page 27, reply 402, 403 (*J.W. Pearce* screw lock side arm Plow)
                              page 54, reply 798 (*Israel White* 1830s screw arm fillister)
Masonite plane        page 67, reply 990  (*Kimball Mfg. Co.*  Evanston, IL)
patent plane            page 44, reply 656 (*McAller*)
plow plane              page 51, reply 761 (*Sandusky*)                                 
rabbet block plane   page 1, reply 11  (Scottg)
rabbet  plane           page 51, reply 757  (*H. Chapin*) (W)
rabbet/fillister pln.   page 74, reply 1106  (*Record* #78)
razor blade plane     page 2, reply 16  (*Wil-kro by Master Craft Tool, Little Giant by Wilson Bros.*)
                              page 14, reply 207 (*Little Giant by Wilson Bros.*)
router (bronze)        page 15, reply 214 (*unknown*)
scraper #80 (brnz)   page 15, reply 218 (Scottg)
scraper plane           page 9, reply 128  (Scottg)
scratch stock           page 14, reply 201 (W)
shoulder plane         page 26, reply 377 (*Record* #073)
                              page 26, reply 377 (*Veritas* 3/4")                   
smoothing planes     page 22, reply 324 (Strik9) (W)
                              page 23, reply 340, 341 (Strik9) (W)
                              page 49, reply 727 (*Moulson Brothers*) (W)
                              page 77, reply 1144 (JIm C.) (W)

Related Topics:

Adjustable throat (block pln)  page 36, reply 527
Bedrock bench plane             page 11, reply 163
Bedrock frog design              page 42, reply 624
Bench hook                          page 67, reply 1001
Chasing parts                       page 43, reply 643
Customized knob/tote link     page 33, reply 482
C.W. collection photo             page 19, reply 278
Documenting your collection  page 61, reply 909
                                           page 62, reply 918
                                           page 63, reply 933 (coolford’s collection)
gibsontool collection photos   page 33, reply 485
Holding work w/Workmate     page 43, reply 630
                                           page 46, reply 682
H.O. Studley tool chest link    page 48, reply 713
Inspection/tool hunting kit     page 35, reply 516
Japanning                             page 1, reply 12, 
Knobs (Sargent Autoset adj.) page 31, reply 460
          (Stanley short & tall)   page 29, reply 429, 430, 431, 433
Lewill2 plow pln collect. link   page 19, reply 281
Plow plane screw arm nuts     page 21, reply 308
Plow plane reference books    page 22, reply 316
PVC, planing                         page 65, reply 965
Sand casting finish                page 15, reply 218
Scrub plane use/video link     page 9, reply 125
Stanley #55 endorsement      page 25, reply 362
Stanley rabbet plane totes
             comparison w/photo page 15, reply 221
Stanley weather strip plane
              advrtsmnt brochure page 41, reply 606
Stiletto Tools link and info.     page 23, reply 335, 337, 339
WWII era planes discussed     page 2, reply 29
                                            page 11, reply 163
                                            page 15, reply 213

Thanks for putting this up. It will be a great reference for members.

Jim C.:

--- Quote from: Nolatoolguy on January 20, 2014, 08:05:49 AM ---Thanks for putting this up. It will be a great reference for members.

--- End quote ---

I'm trying to stay organized. Papaw has been helping me work out the details.  The plan is to make this index a "sticky note" with a link back to page one of the main Hand Planes thread.  The Hand Planes thread will have a link back to page one of this index.  I'm planning to add more planes to the thread, and I'm hoping that others will add content, photos, etc. too.  Every now and then I like to go back and see what we were talking about for whatever reason.  As the thread grows, finding older posts will get harder to do.  I'm already poking around to find older stuff from just a few weeks ago.  Hopefully this index will help readers of the thread zero in on prior topics a little faster.  I figured that getting on top of the information early on will be a lot easier to do than trying to do so later.  I'll try to keep the index current and make improvements as necessary.  Suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome.  Still, as always, any hand plane content, photos, etc. should be added to the main thread.  This index thread is just a way to keep it all organized.  Thanks for visiting the Hand Planes thread.

Jim C.     

************(UPDATE REGARDING THIS INDEX)************

For whatever reason, I am no longer able to edit the index post above.  Perhaps it’s just too big and I’ve reached the maximum character limit.  So, I will continue the index in the following post.  It will be set up in the same manner as the index detailed above.  Thanks for checking out the Hand Plane Thread.

Jim C.

Jim C.:
Hand Plane Thread Index continued:


Stanley Planes:

#9 block plane          page 81, reply 1211, 1212
#10 bench rabbet      page 83, reply 1235
#18 block plane        page  83, reply 1243
#18 1/4 block pln      page 83, reply 1243
#19 block plane        page 83, reply 1243
#72 chamfer plane    page 82, reply 1221
#98 side rabbet pln   page 84, reply 1248
#99 side rabbet pln   page 84, reply 1248
#164 block plane       page 84, reply 1258
#378 weather strip    page 82, reply 1218

Sargent Planes:

#422C bench plane   page 86, reply 1277
#708C bench plane   page 86, reply 1276

Lie-Nielsen Planes:

#164 block plane     page 82, reply 1224
                              page 84, reply 1259

Member Made (member name), Wooden (W), Other Manufacturer (*manufacturer name*) Planes:

smoothing planes (horn type) page 86, reply 1284 (*Ulmia*) (W)
Related Topics:

Scraper pln & burn marks  page 87, reply 1291
Stanley block plane chart   page 83, reply 1240
                                       page 84, reply 1245 (Typed spreadsheet by GENEG)
Stanley #238 weathr strip page 87, reply, 1293 (Plane in use)

I gotta say, that's a lot of work, many thanks! 


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