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Offline bird

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hi folks
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:59:31 AM »
Hi folks,
    I hope that everyone is doing well.  The weather here has been beautiful.  I have a cattle gate at the end of my driveway.  I can drive through the cattle gate and back down to my shop.  I acquired a HUGE set of shelves that I plan on using in my shop(which are currently in my car).  Yesterday afternoon, I drove my car around back (through a field) and backed up to my shop doors.  I left the car there last night. I figured I'd get someone to help me move the shelves from my car into my shop today.  Well, it's rained for 19 hours straight.  Basically, that's about the same thing as saying it has snowed 1 foot......  either way you look at it, my car isn't going anywhere!  I guess I pretty much screwed myself (pardon the language).  I have plenty of food, for once.  So, I guess I'm in no hurry to go anywhere.
      For those of you who have been following my mice disaster,  I broke down and called an exterminator today.  My dad was on vacation when I made this decision.  I told mom that I called an exterminator.  She told me, "Honey, you just have to put out some glue traps."   So, now I don't know if I've made the right call.  But, those little bastards leave "droppings" all over my KITCHEN COUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   They've been in my shop, laundry room, and kitchen.  But, yesterday I noticed they've been in my bedroom closet.   I can't TAKE IT ANY LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I'm about ready to set my entire house on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!   
        I was talking to someone earlier today, and he said, "Oh, how embarrassing."
         "What do you mean?"
        "Well, you have to call someone to get rid of your mice population."
        "The only embarrassing thing is going to be when I catch all of those mice and set them loose where YOU LIVE!"
In all honesty, I'm a country girl...... a sad one, at that!   Somehow, the tolerance of rodents and bugs is a tolerance that i did not acquire. I can work in the depths of a septic sewer problem.....  but, I'm no help against a bug or rodent.
       So, now I have this exterminator coming to my house tomorrow.  I don't know if he'll just come here for a "free estimate"  or if he'll come prepared to "fix the problem."  But, one thing is clear. One way or another, I'm killing every last mouse that's within a two mile radius of me!  It's finally gotten to me, and I'm not OK with it.
       I don't like any visitor that comes to my house unannounced.  In fact, I rarely like any visitor that comes here who HAS announced they're coming here! 
        All I want is my dog, me, and no other living things around.  (unless, of course, it's all of my vegetable plants, ect.)  After talking to my family, who believes that I can solve the problem with multiple glue traps, and talking to a friend that told me to call an exterminator, I'm at a loss as to what I should do.  Surely some of you folks have dealt with mice problems before.  PLEASE give me your input!!!!!!!!
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"Aunt birdie, I think you're the best loser ever!!!!!!"

Offline Papaw

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Re: hi folks
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 02:20:56 AM »
If the exterminator doesn't work out, you will need a couple of cats, or teach your dog to get them.
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Offline bird

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Re: hi folks
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 02:32:09 AM »
My dog's worthless.  She will chase every carpenter bee to the end of the earth.   She will knock over everything in the house because she's chasing after a bird. But, when it comes to catching a mouse.............   she's sound asleep!!!!!   As I've said before, I need a few snakes and cats that I can buy with a "return policy." 

If the exterminator doesn't work out, you will need a couple of cats, or teach your dog to get them.
Silent bidder extraordinaire!
"Aunt birdie, I think you're the best loser ever!!!!!!"

Offline OilyRascal

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Re: hi folks
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2012, 05:49:46 AM »
When you live in New Orleans in a house built about 5 feet from your neighbors you share every rodent/pest problem they have (and that they're neighbors have).  We had an issue with mice at one point - in fact it seems we had a whole family move in.  The thing that amazed me the most is that they had apparently been there for a lot longer time than I had ever imagined....long enough to start their family :)

I had/have rental property and I'm no stranger to "pest" problems.  I use a professional pest control service for those properties.  In talking with the pest control person, who I trust with his many years experience, it was evident I did not need to pay him for service to rid the mice issue in our home.  His low-cost suggestion, which I employed, was to purchase carpet seaming tape (of the sticky sort) and cut off pieces about 12" long, and place them as you would a "glue board".  It works well, and was a much more cost effective solution.  Those glues strips are very expensive IMO.  What could have cost me over $100 (easily) in glue strips turned out to be a $8 expense in carpet tape.

I now live in the country now a good 2 miles away from any home other than my grandmother's home.  I can tell you that I've not had ONE issue with a "mouse" since I've lived here - in the country.  I have, however, had an issue with a monster rat outside that decided he'd make a home under the hood of my wife's ride....and apparently the fuel injector wiring for #6 was in his bed - as he decided to chew it into a 1,000 pieces.  As silly as it sounds, we now leave the hoods cracked on vehicles when they're parked in the drive :)
"FORGED IN THE USA" myself.  Be good to your tools!

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Offline Branson

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Re: hi folks
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2012, 05:51:01 PM »
Ever notice that people who get rid of pests all by themselves are *always* getting rid of pests?  Have *lots* of experiences?

Calling a professional was the best idea.  The price might seem big, but it is a lot cheaper in the long run than the cost of all the D-Con it will
take to fix the mice.  If you get a cat or two, make sure they know how to hunt -- barn cats are good.  All cats have an instinctive *desire* to hunt,
but the skills of hunting have to be taught to them.