>I wondered if the posters had learned anything in High School. I'm 91.314159% >sure they didn't learn Physics.
Architects are worse, at least when you explain to an engineer why it won't work, they sometimes get it...
"Where's the door going?"
"What are we attaching the door frame to, there's nothing above it?"
"Yeah, as in, when you open the door, it falls on the floor if it's not attached to something"
What do you suggest?
"We don't know, we install doors, we don't design buildings, at least, not for $20/hr we don't....."
OK...submit an RFI...we will get back to you in a few weeks....
(That's Archispeak for 'we have no friggin clue what to do about this frigup..."
Boiler plate
"Every contractor shall have on the jobsite at all times a Class D Fire Extinguisher sufficient in size to extinguish any material the contractor may bring onto the jobsite as well as any materials on the site."
Hi, I'd like clarification on the amount of alcohol already on the jobsite so I can comply with the Class D extinguisher requirement.
"What do you mean?"
Your spec calls for a class D Extinguisher in line 726 of the General jon requirements.
Would you like me to wait till you find it?
"I have it on my computer"
Good, so how much alcohol is on the job site?
"I have no idea. Why would there be alcohol?"
Well I have no idea either, and you're getting 5% of the job cost to write specs and answer questions so please answer the question.
"Nobody ever asked before. I don't have an answer."
Why did you call out a Class d Extinguisher then?
"Well in the boiler plate on the computer it says Class A/B/ C so I figured D would be better."
Do you have any idea what those letters represent?
Then why didn't you find out?
"I never needed to, nobody ever reads the boiler plate"
OK, lets start over, my name is Nobody, and you're the dumbest $#!( I've talked to today.
"So what's a Class D extinguisher for?"
Go read the damn book you should have to get your license!
I wonder why I had high blood pressure.