I have not smoked a cigarette in over 4 months. I was a heavy smoker and am knowledgeable of everything there is to know about it as it is a big part of my profession. I had tried Zyban, Chantix, patches, gum, lozenges, cold turkey and what ever else you can think of over the years.
I finally got the edge on it by using the electronic cigarettes that hold a liquid and create water vapor when activated. The liquid may contain varying amounts of nicotine or none at all. Of course, I realize I have simply changed one habit for another but I can see myself quitting the e-cigs someday, something I could never envision with tobacco. There is a great deal of mis-information on the internet about these things but with a little effort, it is possible to separate the myth from known facts.
There is a fairly steep learning curve in terms of management of the equipment and supplies but, in the final analysis, I figure the cost is less than 1/4 what I was spending on cigarettes. There is no tobacco smell, it doesn't stink up your clothes or body and you can do it pretty much anywhere.
Something to think about for anyone looking for a way to quit smoking. Good luck, and if I can answer any questions, feel free to ask and I will try to help you out. kr.