Author Topic: Waaaay out of my league, but free to look at!  (Read 4738 times)

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Offline Jim C.

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Re: Waaaay out of my league, but free to look at!
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2011, 10:37:40 PM »
"May they pull things out of you even science can't identify!!"

Well, just for the sake of discussion, in my experience, if you must be told it's funny, it's .... uh, borderline funny at best. Must be an 'inside' joke. I love funny. I'm bummed that I'm missing out on that one: )

Don't feel bad, I didn't understand it either.

Jim C.
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Offline scottg

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Re: Waaaay out of my league, but free to look at!
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2011, 10:45:50 AM »
Haggling is one of the great joys of this life. It bring entertainment and creativity to an ordinary transaction. Its a battle of wits and woe be unto the inarticulate haggler! I can spot and start another true haggler boiling with merely 2 or three well chosen words.

 Haggling is roughly the same as swearing. Any fool can swear, and in fact, many of them do, Or try to.
But its the fine and creative combinations of actual and created on the spot, just for the occasion words that really bring up the flavor and make it entertaining.
 I was introduced to haggling in Juarez Mexico when I was just a child. I loved it. Exuberant and fierce and at the same time the most fun you can legally have on a street corner under the noonday sun over a cheap item neither the buyer nor the seller really has too much invested in.
 You walk away, you walk back. He walks away, he walks back.  Arms are flying, insults wickedly hurled.
Each pulling the fire from the depths of creation and dressing it up in a most elaborate way. 
  In the end you probably arrive back at the same price you were going to do the deal at anyway.
  But you just got to enjoy and participate in, spontaneous street drama of the first degree.
Sometimes the drama being more memorable than the item ever was. 
  yours Scott

« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 10:54:08 AM by scottg »

Offline jamesbachand

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Re: Waaaay out of my league, but free to look at!
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2011, 01:29:04 AM »
If you're like most people who do a lot of work around the home and garage you have a collection of tools you have gathered for decades. Unfortunately as critical as they are, all too often it's easy to just leave our tools scattered in the toolbox which basically ensures that it will take a lot longer to find a given tool then it should. Aside from generally being a nuisance this actually extends the length of time required to do even the most basic job, as more time might be spent looking around than is actually used to accomplish whatever it is you're trying to do.  I found a solution to keeping your wrenches in a group and have placed them on eBay.  Check it out at:
I have been told that it makes your wrenches easier to grab especially if you work on big equipment or farm.