I've been passively, and sometimes, to my wife's chagrin, actively collecting wrenches and old tools for the past 10 years or so.
This past weekend, I found a small, little wrench in the bottom of a tool box that I bought last Friday. It is one tough wrench, and grabbed my attention. I own a ton of wrenches, but this one has to be one of my favorites already.
The wrench is just 3 7/8" long, tip to tip. It is a standard S-wrench, with no finish.
Hex open ends...one end is 1/2" opening...and the other is about 5/16".
The only marking I can see is a cast "6482" in the middle of the handle.
I have to think this was part of a set for something. I don't know how to post a picture, but I could email someone a pic from my phone.
Ideas? Manufacturer?
Thanks in advance!!!!!!! I have just fallen in love with this little wrench!!!!!