Author Topic: I know its a leather working tool but what does it do and what is it called ?  (Read 1307 times)

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Offline rustyric

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I know its a leather working tool but what does it do and what is it called ?

Offline Chillylulu

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My guess is a lace maker or leather stripping tool of some sort.


Offline rustyric

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Thanks for your reply - a lace maker ? Wouldn't they be a funny shape ?

Offline Chillylulu

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Some lace makers are a set of multiple knives.  You pull them along the edge of a piece of leather.

Another method, used when making whips for instance, cut a long single lace from a hide. By starting at the outside you work around in one continous strip, untik you get down to a circle so small you can't cut anymore. That is the way you  get a strip longer than a cow or kangaroo or whatever.


Offline bird

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I never like trying to answer questions because everyone else knows more then I do.. .. I'm not used to seeing a lace cutter with a long handle like that. But, this one looks fairly new? Just a thought. I have a cobbler friend (via on line)  who knows a lot about this stuff. But, last time I contacted him he sent me a picture of a baby duck he had just inherited sitting on his office desk.  Soooo, not so sure about him these days :)
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