Well, the weather here turned to winter sooner than I was hoping. I won't be able to paint my shaper, as my garage is not heated. So a complete restoration of the machine will have to wait until spring/summer...
I'm not willing to wait that long to have a running shaper, though, so yesterday I took apart what I had to clean in order to make it work, and it cleaned up magnificently! There are still marks on the ways from where it was hand-scraped in, the machine seems to have barely been used. I slapped it back together, gave the hand wheel a shove, and the ram moves with no effort at all.
Unfortunately, it seems to have barely been used because at some point early in its life, someone crashed it. The piece the clapper bolts to was brazed back together, I knew that. I figured I would use the shaper to make a new one, and all would be well. But, once I took that off to clean the dovetail, I realized the dovetail on the opposite part was broken off as well, and much more crudely repaired. I'm not sure how well this will hold up... I'm planning on backing the screws out, and cleaning both parts really well before adding a bit of JB Clear-Weld, and screwing it back together just to give it a bit more strength. I've used the clearweld + screws in the past with surprisingly durable results, but I'll always be scared to push my shaper with it this way, so I'll have to make a new one of these, too.
It doesn't look like the most difficult piece to make, should be very doable between my shaper and my lathe. and I'll make the dovetail have a little more meat on my part, there's very little keeping it on from the factory. Unfortunately, the head rotational index is stamped into this casting, and I don't have a ready means of replicating that, so I'll have to indicate everything in, or something...
I managed to finish getting it wired today! I'm aware it's running backwards, didn't know which way it would be running until I flipped the switch, I fixed it when I moved it to its permanent home. Sorry for the weird camera angles, I don't do this often...