Author Topic: Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?  (Read 2351 times)

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Offline Argyfoe

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Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?
« on: November 04, 2017, 04:35:51 PM »
Evening all,
  I recently acquired this saw.  The teeth are pretty beat up and missing some.  It kinda looks like a tenon saw, but its awfully course.  Since I'll have to file it down pretty far, should I re-tooth it?  Thoughts and opinions welcome.  I intend to use it as a smaller/medium tenon saw.


Offline Northwoods

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Re: Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2017, 05:19:39 PM »
Kind of depends on the conditions of other saws you use.
If you are able to get the blade off, I would be tempted to clean only the gunk on the blade with light oil and fine steel wool.  Then sharpen it and put it to use. 
That missing tooth is of no consequence.  I like the look of honest years of work.
The ORIGINAL Northwoods.

Offline Argyfoe

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Re: Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2017, 08:00:04 PM »
Getting the blade off will be fun.  Looks like someone took a belt sander to the split nuts.  It will have to be done though, regardless.
I, inexperienced as I am, don't know if an 8tip edge is fine for a general use tenon saw.  Seems course from what I've gathered.
As a note: I am a user, and a bit of a minimalist.  So, I don't want 12+ saws hanging around.  Although 11 might be fine.  :grin:

Offline kwoswalt99

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Re: Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2017, 08:10:20 PM »
Getting the blade off will be fun.  Looks like someone took a belt sander to the split nuts.  It will have to be done though, regardless.
I, inexperienced as I am, don't know if an 8tip edge is fine for a general use tenon saw.  Seems course from what I've gathered.
As a note: I am a user, and a bit of a minimalist.  So, I don't want 12+ saws hanging around.  Although 11 might be fine.  :grin:

8tpi is pretty course for a backsaw.

Offline mikeswrenches

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Re: Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2017, 07:23:15 PM »
First of all, this is a very old saw and also, I think, an uncommon one. Which is not bad, but you might want to put this one up for awhile, and look for a different user.

The EAIA's Directory of American Tool Manufacturers shows this company in business in 1870. Apparently there is not much known of the company or a starting date and ending date would be given. In my mind this date is probably close. According to Phil Baker(he has forgotten more about backsaws than most of us will ever know) saw manufacturers quit using split nuts around 1867-1869 so the 1870 date is probably correct.

The fact that it looks like a "belt sander" was used, is pretty common on split nuts since the bolt and nut were both installed proud of the surface and then sanded flush with the wood. The wood also got a good sanding too.

If you haven’t ever tried to remove split nuts you might want to rethink doing it. After all this time they will not give up easily. You’ll probably wind up with the bolt shaft breaking. Normally these things are made of cast brass rather than being turned from bar stock so they aren’t real strong.

What kind of shape is the "etch" in? Does it say anything else besides Barber & Genn? Are there any pictures or shapes?

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Offline Argyfoe

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Re: Barber & Genn saw re-tooth?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2017, 07:45:11 PM »
Fair point Mikes.  I was not aware of its age or potential rarity. 
The stampings on the back are a bit chipped and difficult to decipher.  I havn't done anything to the blade yet.  There are a few minor pitts, but not bad in my neophyte opinion.  Paint is splattered on the tote.  2 teeth are broken off.  The rest look to be in fair to poor shape.  Blade is strait, if I remember correctly.
If someone wants to trade me for it.  I'm fine with that.  Looking for a decent user tenon saw for my rack.
I'm not one to hot rod a Roles Royce.  A Model T on the other hand is all game.