Author Topic: From the E@MART Antique tool Emagazine  (Read 2459 times)

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Offline Papaw

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From the E@MART Antique tool Emagazine
« on: November 04, 2011, 09:21:54 PM »
COMING REAL REAL REAL SOON: GREAT PLANES TRADING COMPANY AUCTION; Saturday, November 5: This auction will feature a large collection of antique scales including three penny or arcade scales; candy scales; steelyard; spring, beam, grocery, balance, micrometer, household and many other types of scales; antique carpenter tools; several brass bladed fans including ones with brass guards; several nautical running lights and navigations instruments; antique railroad and automotive lights; bottle corkers, large anvil & large Prentiss vise, one or two mystery tools, and much, much more. This promises to be our most eclectic offering to date. Harvester Lions Club,
4835 Central School Rd. St. Charles (St. Louis), Missouri, 63304 Rat Daddy (aka Mike Urness), 314-497-7884, WWW.GREATPLANESTRADING.COM .

VENUE CHANGE AND LAST CALL: CRAFTS OF NEW JERSEY NOVEMBER MEETING, Sunday, November 6:  We will be doing something different for our November meeting – it will be held at the FISHER-NORRIS ANVIL MUSEUM in Farmingdale, New Jersey.  All members attending will surely appreciate the work Josh Kavett has put into keeping alive the memeory of the oldest and longest lasting anvil company in the U.S.  Lots of tail gating planned and the blacksmithing club will be joining us, and will provide several demonstrations onsite. Tailgating at 7a, meeting at 1p.

COMING REAL SOON: VINTAGE & ANTIQUE TOOL SALE, Saturday & Sunday, November 12 & 13, Sat 9:30a - 6:00p, Sun 10:00a - 6:00p, 1400 Williams Drive, Garland, Texas, 75042. “free admission, free coffee, free advice, free parking,rain or shine!”, 972.271.8665.

COMING REAL SOON: ROCKY MOUNTAIN TOOL COLLECTORS MEETING,  Sunday November 13, The Ranch Fairgrounds, Loveland, CO,  12 Noon Setup, Buy and Sell;  2:00p Business Meeting; 2:30p Auction; 5:00p Close.  For more info, contact Steve at  .

COMING SOON: “BIG D” TOOL MEET, November 19: We will be having the Big D Tool Meet again this year Nov. 19th  in North Dallas, Texas (on the Plano border at Waterline Pools warehouse).  Open house  6 to 8 on the 18th and on Sat. the 19th doors open and set up at 8:00 and lunch will be served at 12:00, demonstration and auction later in the day.  See flyer at the bottom of this EM@RT.   Jon Harrison   214-202-4833

ANNOUNCEMENT:  The Western New York Antique Tool Collectors Association meets four times a year at the Holiday Inn, Batavia, New York, just off the New York State Thruway at Exit 48.  Meet dates are listed below in the Events Calendar.  A typical meeting would include tool trading at 9:30am, a short business meeting followed by a presentation.  For more information, please contact President Charles Wirtenson at or 315.363.7682.

The E@mart magazine is found here-
Member of PHARTS - Perfect Handle Admiration, Restoration and Torturing Society
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Offline Papaw

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Re: From the E@MART Antique tool Emagazine
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 09:28:36 PM »
TOOL SWAP MEET INFORMATION:  TOOLSWAP/USA is the Voice of the Independent Tool Collector, Dealer, and User.  The Web Site ( links to Old Tool Dealers and Tool Events across the country.  We also put on eleven Old Tool Swap Meets in Southern CA (2 in San Diego, 4 in LA, 3 in Orange County and 2 in Pasadena). If you want to be on an Email Reminder List, send your name and email to Plan your next visit to CA around an Old Tool Swap Meet. Check the Web Site for swap meet schedules. Laura Pitney.

Member of PHARTS - Perfect Handle Admiration, Restoration and Torturing Society
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