Author Topic: Tool Meet in Dallas!  (Read 1816 times)

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Offline Papaw

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Tool Meet in Dallas!
« on: February 01, 2016, 11:08:38 PM »
Buy, Sell or Trade Antique & Collectible Tools
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Dallas, Texas
See one of Dallas’ largest antique tool collections –
more than 6,000 items – some very rare!
Mega dealer Lynn Dowd with a truckload of tools from
user pieces to higher end pieces!
Many Texas and Oklahoma collectors thinning out or liquidating
collections with fine pieces to sell including desirable
Stanley tools, fine levels and European decorated tools!

“This will be far more than just another Dallas tool meet,
 it will be a true mega tool meet.” – Jim Goodson
Location:         Waterline Pools warehouse, 17725 Frank Jackson Drive, Dallas, TX  75252
Contact:         Jon Harrison, 214/202-4833, email
Schedule:   8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. -- Set-up
      10:00 a.m. – Show Opens
12:00 noon -- Lunch served
1:00 p.m. – Major Auction. Bring quality tools and plenty of money!
Admission:      $6.00 entry fee                       
      $12.00 entry fee and lunch
Sales tables:   $10.00/table, no covers provided. (Table orders must be received by March 11)
Friday Open House:  6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Waterline Pools. Please join us for a beverage!
Set-up for the show, visit the on-site 6,000 item antique tool collection, or leave large items.
From Oklahoma/I 35 South:  Exit 445B/President George Bush Turnpike/Texas 190 East.  Go 6 miles.  Exit Coit Road. Turn right on Coit Road. Turn right on McCallum Blvd (traffic signal).  Turn right on Frank Jackson Drive.  Waterline Pools is at end of Frank Jackson on the left.

From Houston/I 45 North:  Merge onto US 75 North via left lane exit.  Go 13 miles.  Exit Campbell Road. Turn Left on Campbell Road.  Go 5 miles. Turn right on Coit Road. Turn left on McCallum (2nd light).  Turn right on Frank Jackson Drive.  Waterline Pools is at end of Frank Jackson on the left.

From Sherman/US 75 South: Exit 28B/President George Bush Turnpike/Texas 190 West.  Exit Coit Road.  Turn left on Coit Road .  Turn right on McCallum Blvd (traffic signal).  Turn right on Frank Jackson Drive.  Waterline Pools is at the end of Frank Jackson on the left.

Name(s):  _____________________________________________________________________   
Street Address:  ________________________________________________________________
City:  _____________________________ State:  _________ Zip: ________________________
Email: ______________________________ Phone:  __________________________________
Registration:   ______________ x $6.00 = $_______________
Registration & Lunch:  ______ X $12.00 = $_______________
Sales Tables:   _____________ X $10.00 = $ ______________
Display Tables:  ____________ X  $8.00 = $______________                   
   Total Enclosed:                                                $_______________

Mail registration and payment (check payable to Jon Harrison) to:
Jon Harrison
7715 Indian Springs Road
Dallas, Texas 75248

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