Author Topic: From ANTIQUE TOOL GAZETTE JULY 2015  (Read 1653 times)

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Offline Papaw

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« on: July 03, 2015, 04:29:54 PM »
ATTENTION ALL TEXAS TOOL COLLECTORS, DATE AND TIME IS NOW!! I have contacted the officers of the
Rocky Mountain Tool Collectors group and requested permission to hold an organizing meeting for a potential Texas chapter.
If we can generate enough interest, I would like to have this meeting here in the DFW area before August 1st, allowing me
the opportunity to discuss the results at the annual RMTC meeting in Albuquerque Labor Day weekend. If interested, please
email me your particulars. If we generate enough interest, a date will be set for the organizing meeting in late July. Thanks
for your attention. Gregor Mszar, .
Member of PHARTS - Perfect Handle Admiration, Restoration and Torturing Society
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