Here's a little more organized list of the major Yankee clones, arranged by bit size. I'm sure I'm leaving some, or even many, out of the reckoning. and corrections are welcome.
I have examples of the Hoppe, G&J, Craftsman, and Miller's Falls. And I am ignoring those that do not take standard Yankee bits (such as the Goodell screwdriver, sold also by Sears under their Merit brand; or the modern Schroeders (sold by Garret Wade, etc.), which are adapted to take standard 1/4" hex bits.) The Craftsman line was made, I believe, by Millers Falls: in the late 20s, Sears included Millers Falls in their catalog; then replaced them with genuine Yankees around 1930; then substituted the Craftman drivers (1931?), presumably made by Millers Falls, while keeping the Goodell/Merit driver in there all the while.