I got one of these out to use the other day and realized I had quite a few to pick from. I thought you might get a kick out of seeing these:
Top to bottom and L-R.
The first one I ever owned "Handi-Guy" with handle that adjusts on the frame.
Two Wilson 107 Pat.Pend. - very nice tool. Adjustable handle.
The one that looks like a small coping saw will take two different blade types. I think the handle is supposed to adjust but its stuck and has a little crack.
The low clearance saw - only has the number 7630 - it looks a whole lot like the larger Proto that has been discussed here before.
Unmarked saw that is just a wire frame.
Aluminum frame saw with pistol grip marked HM in a diamond. Clever over center blade tensioner.
K-D NO. 2331 - I haven't used this one yet but am anxious to try it.
I bought this Excelite ratcheting bit holder from George (Bonneyman). I was hoping it would work for the float bowl screws on my motorcycle - very little room underneath on one of the screws. I have been using an offset screwdriver. When I went to get a bit for it I noticed the bit had notches around the middle of the hex shank. I found a small circlip that fit just right over the shank and clipped right into the notches. This allowed the bit to stay put while working with it - no dropping or fussing about. One finger underneath to provide pressure on the screw and it adjusted easily.