OK, I am going to sidetrack this thread with a short story...
When I was much much younger, a not too bright kid in fact, my grandfather, who was retireing and beginining a second career/hobby as a do it yourself woodworker, had a big monster belt sander much like that one....
Now, this sander had one minor flaw, the power switch was stuck in the on position. So you plugged it in to use it, and unplugged it when you were done, simple enough, except for one minor detail, no one had bothered to mention this to me. Of course, I wasn't supposed to be using the power tools anyhow, so I suppose it was an understandable oversight.
In any case one day I decided to take it upon myself to sand something, and of course what better to use than a honking big belt sander, so I put it on the work bench and plugged it in...
That sucker took off down the bench like a bat out of hell, went through the garage window, and vanished into the bushes.
And if that wasn't bad enough, I couldn't find the *&^*&^ thing. I spend 15 minutes looking all through the bushes and shrubs, only to discover that the dang thing had so much inertia it had gone clean through the bushes and was 10 feet out on the lawn...
One of the few times I have seen my grandfather at a loss for words ; P