I discovered this fellow, Ed Caffrey, right here in my home town, while researching a topic from another thread. I found his website
http://www.caffreyknives.net/index.html and spent a lot of time looking at the photos/videos of his work and was pretty excited by the idea that this was being done right up the street from me! If you are wondering what an ABS Mastersmith is, check that out here:
http://www.americanbladesmith.com/index.php?section=pages&id=178My wife and grandson went to his shop and took a mini-tour and bought one of the pens he makes for my Christmas gift! I must say that I was more than surprised, stunned is more like it. I got the pen and an open invitation to visit the shop and have a look around and I look forward to that!
I am still learing the Gimp program for image manipulation, but I think I have got the files down to a reasonable size yet still keep good resolution. A piece like this is pretty tough to photograph, especially with a cell phone, but it is what was handy. Hopefully the pictures will not take forever to load. The first picture is from his website, just in case my photos are not so good.

The rest of the photos are of my pen.

Some descriptive text about the pens from the website:
As with my Knives, I use only the finest materials/mechanisms, to ensure the customer gets the very best I can offer. Pens are finished with clear "Gun Kote" for added protection and Durability.
I produce Fountain, Rollerball, and Ballpoint pens, with Damascus steel, and a variety of different hardware ranging from 24K gold, to "Gun Metal" (a black Chrome look), to brushed nickel and chrome. Fountain and Rollerball pens have German nibs/ink .If pens aren't your thing, you might enjoy the knives on display more. All of the work shown is absolutely beautiful.