Author Topic: US marked stake anvil, again  (Read 2674 times)

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Offline Branson

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US marked stake anvil, again
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:36:53 PM »
I guess it was December two years ago that one of these stake anvils came up on eBay, and before I realized what it was, it was gone for $117 and change.   Then another one came up, and my buddy and I managed to get it for $405 -- about the same price we would have had to pay to have a new duplicate made.  Recently a post 1900 showed up, with the original stand.  That anvil would fit into a recess in the stand. 
It went for over $500.

Well, on the 14th, another one came on the block . starting price $49.95.  A lame bid for such an historic anvil, I thought.  So I bid it up,
certain that some of the folks who bid up the others would jump in.   

They didn't.  I won it at $61.50 and $10.45 shipping.  I'm still a bit in shock.

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Re: US marked stake anvil, again
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2014, 11:40:15 PM »
Great buying Branson , a early unexpected Christmas present !! You just never know with eBay whose going to bid what when.  But it's a great feeling when you get it for far below your maximum bid! Now you have to make another stand !?

Offline Branson

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Re: US marked stake anvil, again
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2014, 10:23:37 AM »
Yeah, now I have to make another stand.  And I'm wondering how to do that easier and cheaper than the last one. 

It's funny, there are evidently two different patterns for this anvil.  There's the one in the Ordnance Dept drawings, one like the one I just got, which has far less rounding on the horn.  Different interpretations of the drawings by different manufacturers?