In the first picture the top saw is a Crescent No 1046, I saw an item on ebay this AM which was an add from a book or magazine dated March 1 1930 and it showed, on page 36, a picture of this saw selling for an even $2. I didn't think that is was that old. Below that is a Millers Falls No.84. The top saw in the second picture was made by my father shortly after the 2nd world war. My Dad ended up in Trail British Columbia and served an apprenticeship as a welder fabricator at the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co's lead zinc smelter located in Trail. The tradesmen there made a lot of their own tools of which I managed to save some of my fathers. The saw below that one is unidentified at this time.The only markings I can make out are a 5A stamped on the block next to the wing nut. Any help on a maker would be appreciated.