A couple of questions
When I am typing a message in the quick reply my text goes outside of the margin a few words before it is kicked down to the next line, I cant see or correct what I have typed until I have submitted message, how can I fix this.
Noel, I cant seem to figure out how to P.M you with these questions, used to be able to just click on usersname and send PM, dont see that any longer
I seem to be having problem making a new topic at times, I press new topic and it will just sit there and load but give up and do nothing, I have had this same problem with my yahoo mail for a couple of weeks, ever since yahoo had a major shutdown about 2 weeks ago maybe. I cant access my e-mail half the time, I can see that I have mail but I cant see from who, it only says inbox whatever # I have, when I can get to the point that I can see what is there I cant open them half the time, it just keeps loading ( like it does to me here when I tried to type this topic ) and eventually the window goes white and says server error in upper left hand corner. The other times when I can open and read I half the time cant reply does the same server error, when I can reply I sometimes cant attach eiether says server error or internet browser cant find something I dont know....
I have had a guy look at it, he says I have internet explorer 6 which ( in my own words to simplify ) sucks, also says I have some kind of pack version 1 and says I need at least 2 pack or 3, he says I have zero updates since I turned off automatic updates since I know this is how THEY ( its my conspiricy theory of them watching me and screwing with me ) try to control and monitor me. He said alot of other things.
My comp. is only maybe 8 years old, I boughtit new from best buy for over a thousand so it was no cheap comp. It is an HP pavillion 220n.
I tried or did rather do everyting he told me, I downloaded all the updates including the packs he reffered to and no change so I F 10 it and wiped EVERYTHING clean and started all over new, still no results. One other thing I would like to add that will maybe give someone a clue on how I can be helped is that about the same time yahoo started acting up when I went to e-bay and typed inm y search the letters appeared so tiny in the search box I was typing in. That was only on the e-bay site and is still that way, I have no other problems with anything else.
Wy wife had me download Mozilla Forefox and that has not helped a bit, she said that was just another type of internet explorer. Any suggestions, there may come a time when I can post at all ( and that would be a crime against all humanity :) ) so I would like to have all of this fixed. Thanks