There appear to be some "good" farm implement wrenches in this sale; look at photos for the June 28th lots.
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Sorry I forgot the link originally -- have been making daily 1 hr one way round trips to help my sister & brother with a "garage sale" to clean up some of our parents' household goods. My sister got $30.00 for mom's "barely used" late 1940s Royal typewriter last used for the first couple of years of the MVWC Newsletter in the early 1980s, but sold the 1958 Formica & chrome dining room set too quick too cheap. Who knew that stuff had made a desirability comeback?.
( We still have a barn full of odds and ends left over after 6 days of auctions plus several runs of pick-overs by individuals. There are a few nice pieces scattered in among the junk but most will end up as recycled metals. Think 5 gallon buckets full of stuff like worn out files, unsorted bolts and nuts, etc. )