That was possibly one of the weirdest, most unorganized auctions I've ever taken place in. Why have lot numbers if you are going to group anywhere from 2 to 8 lots together and then sell some of those groups by choice of lots and others by all for one money? Not to mention the mis-marked wrenches and pictures that have many wrenches in the picture, with tiny little lot numbers on each wrench so you can barely tell for sure which lot it really is that you want.
All in all, they got good money for that stuff though. The IHC funnel, if it was truly a IHC funnel, was cheap enough, but other common wrenches brought well over what they are worth.
I did end up with lot 735, it includes an Independent Silo wrench, a fairly common but hard to find in my area Avery wrench and a couple that were turned to where I can't see what is on the other side of them but I have a good idea what they should be. If I can get really lucky, they may be some harder to find variants though.