Chopper, there is only one building at the Mustang flea market. He is in the western most bay. There is a sign over the door that says tools. Unfortunately much of what he sells is Chinese junk. I'm not sure where the 80 ft. wall of tools is, I've never seen it that I remember. He does have some tools up on the walls but nothing real exciting.
He has been there quite awhile, 6 or 7 years at least. One really nice item he has is a farriers anvil. I don't remember what brand. I asked him what he wanted for it and he said it wasn't for sale. I then made the mistake of asking him what "the I don't want to sell it" price was...$2500.00. It was a nice anvil, but not that nice.
Keep in mind that the Wagon wheel flea mkt. is immediately East of Mustang and has many buildings.