P.A.S.T. MODESTO TOOL SHOW: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9; 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Door prize, Friday evening social gathering, Saturday afternoon open house. Sylvan Clubhouse, 2545 Sylvan Ave., Modesto, California. Bob Weaver, 209-524-5852 or bobweaver1944@comcast.net
R.M.T.C. COLORADO MEET: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10; In the McKee Building at The Ranch, Loveland, Colorado. Hosts: Buz Engleman, Gene Palen, Don Schilling, Mark Koons, Fred Freimuth. Set up at noon, quick business meeting, then an auction of a large assortment of tools brought down from the North by Mark Koons.
****ATTENTION PATINA MEETING ATTENDEES: The November meeting will take place on the 17th, NOT the 10th, due to unavailability of the Legion Hall !! ****
SPICER – STEERE ANTIQUE TOOL AUCTION, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7: Another great old tool auction from the fine folks in Rhode Island, including quality collectible and user tools, plus their usual great box lots. Auction at 10a at Masonic Temple #5, 1515 Ten Rod Road, Kingstown, Rhode Island. Viewing on Friday 1p to 6p, and Saturday 7a to 10a. If you would like to receive the next 5 auction lists, send $10 to Bill Spicer, 276 Widow Sweets Road, Exeter, RI 02822. “WE REPRESENT YOUR TOOLS AS IF THEY WERE OUR OWN”. Bill Spicer – Auctioneer, 401.295.0339, Bud Steere – Tool Manager , 401.884.5049.