Hi folks,
I hope everyone is doing well. I've been "absent" for quite a while...... again... Things haven't been quite right around here..... but, that's nothing new! I did buy a band saw since I last talked to you folks. It weighs over 400 pounds, it's almost 7 feet tall, and has a resaw capacity of 13 and 1/2 inches. I'm pretty excited about it!!!
I just bought a few tools-- a stanley 6c plane, an interesting saw set, a stanley rule and level company "turn screw", and a near mint "general" square (no. 830).
I guess that's all of my news, for now. I do miss you folks..... you know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to "hold on to" the things/ hobbies/ persons that I love. That includes friends, acquaintances, and "neighbors" .... It seems the least I can do is continue to love collecting tools, learning their history,sharing their stories, ect.
I haven't lost my passion for history.... which always involves tools.
I hope everyone is doing well.