This week I had a few minutes to stop at a pawn shop in Omaha. Have gotten unusual things out of their wrench bins over the years, but lately its like digging to China. I saw a few no chrome wrenches, and concentrated on them. First is a Blackhawk,Armstrong, Hexite, doe 5/8x3/4, then I pulled out a little doe, 7/16x9/16, with a BOBCAT logo, and catface, a wrench from an early skidsteer? The wrench is steel, somewhat polished, never chromed. Next is a doe in steel looking like a sister to the BOBCAT wrench, the sizes are struck off center, 9/16x5/8, and the thing is polished better than most wrenches, no names, alloy or anything else on it, only the sizes. Have a DUNLAP 1/2x9/16, doe, Forged in USA on the reverse. Finally a dbe, satin finished PROTO, 1120, 3/8x5/16. A Crescent, polished chrome COE, 10mm, no number or anything else on it. Lastly I picked out this tiny 5/16x11/32, doe, in steel finish, looking like the 1940s. Carried this all to the counter, fellow there pawed through them, obviously looking for snapons or craftsman logos. $3 for the lot, I paid, said thanks and headed for lunch. Having trouble loading photos lately, will try to post this soon. I think I did good?