Here is a picture of what I think of at the mention "tire iron" this one being from the time period a 4.00 x 19 inch tire was the norm. Found in the bottom of a bucket at a flea market. Sure was surprised when I saw the GOODYEAR, is about 7 inches long. A comment on the big 4-way lug wrenches, when the air wrenches came in, the 4-ways eventually ended up on the service truck or wrecker, where they got beat to heck or lost, a possible reason why they are so seldom seen. The cheap ones, I've stood on, twisted, talked at, trying to get a stubborn nut off a car by the side of the road. I remember the one in my school car, on the 3/4in. socket end, there was a 300 degree twist visible in the forging line!