Posting a link is easier than you think. I'll run you thru the way I do it, but there may be other ways.
1. Highlight the URL you want to copy. The one that starts www
2. Right click on it. From the drop down menu, left click on COPY.
3. Now come to where ever it is you want to put this. i.e. a document, a letter, an email, or in this instance a forum post.
4. Right click on the page you want to put it on, in your case the body of this post.
5. From the drop down menu that came up, left click on PASTE. The URL that you previously copied, from ebay in this instance, will now
magically appear at the end of the blinking cursor.
This sounds more complex than it really is. Once you've done it a few times it will become much easier. You can try it on your previous post by clicking on modify and following the above steps. Or just try it in a new post.
Remember, Nothing ventured, Nothing gained.
Good luck,