Mentioned it to spouse with
And who cares what comes next!
Are you kidding me?
You have been married 15 minutes and don't know the ropes at all?
You are some compulsive confessor sticking your neck into every noose offered??
Up off your knees!
For gods sake, sock, man, sock!! Stuff a sock into that thing!!!
Leaving it in the car for a week under the seat or in the truck she doesn't drive,
and then casually going out to rake or shovel snow or whatever, and transfer the loot while Knots Landing or Oprah or whatever gets attention in your house from the feminine side, is on TV?
Never, ever, ever, line all your tools up, like a fool! Never make them look too good from a distance with fancy cases and lights, except the most familiar and old stock you are totally in the clear on.
As my friend Milt the Druggist always said................
"You put your diamonds in the dirt, Son. People leave them alone."
sheesh, these kids today...............
If she's got --all-- her purses and shoes lined up? You have to question her intelligence at least a little.
But I'm giving odds she doesn't REALLY.
yours Scott