In a nutshell, there was a dispute between Collins and Coes, a long drawn out court battle that Collins won, but in the process lost a lot of business and Coes went on to be the major player in monkey wrenches.
Was there ever a time when lawsuits/ disputes didn't take place? Was there ever a time that persons settled things within themselves (in my neck of the woods, that could mean who shoots first..............not the city "ghetto" group...but, the country folks).
I suppose if we rely on who can "shoot first," we're all in trouble. ... unless you're an incredible marksman. I would love to be able to tell "young folks" that all of the things we fought wars over, land disputes, material ownerships, patents, and disputes between religion were all a thing of the past.
I would love to be able to tell a child of mine or another that the crazy wars and disputes human kind has had with each other is in the past. But, I guess that's not going to happen. I always have the unanswerable question: Why do we continually repeat history? We repeat the awful parts of history, never any good moments in time".
Well, most of us "strive" to be a better person in one way or another. I have to beg the question, though, "which person is it that we are supposed to strive to be better then?..." Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me.
It's been a long night,
cheers, bird