Mark your calendars and make your shopping list! The "Biggest Old Tool Sale in Texas" is only one month away!
31st "One Old Sorehead & One Nice Guy" Vintage & Antique Tool Sale
SATURDAY - JUNE 2ND / 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
SUNDAY - JUNE 3RD / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
1400 Williams Drive
Garland, Texas 75042
Thousands of quality older hand tools for the user and collector!
Hand planes, saws, hand drills, drawknives, axes, hatchets, hammers,
chisels, rules, marking & measuring tools, calipers, sharpening stones, spokeshaves, brace & bits, books and back issues of woodworking magazines,
and plenty of unusual odds and ends. Too much to list!
There will be a select group of lumber, both hard and soft woods, for your woodworking projects.
Members of the luthiers organization LINT will be on hand to demonstrate techniques and share tips on building stringed instruments.