Hi from RI,
I came across this site while looking for information on an old Craftsman speed reducer. Just knowing what it's called is my triumph for today. It's been kicking around in the basement for years since my wife bought it at a junk store for like five bucks. Anyway, I love old tools, especially machinist tools. I've worked on and set up knuckle presses from the 1890's. I've a picture somewhere of a brand new 2008 Haas mill with my old, old drop indicator sticking out of the spindle. Don't know why it struck me but it did :)
My box that I keep my good tools in is a 1930's Gerstner. I think it's that old, going by the son of the guy who originally owned it but he wasn't entirely sure. Oddly enough it was this guys uncle who sold me the thing, along with the stuff that was in it. It's all old brown and sharp micrometers and the like.
It turns out I've been collecting old tools without realizing it. Micrometers from the 40's work as well as new ones so that's what I use. That and because I happened to get them all cheap when I was just starting out in the late 80's. Anyway, I'm good with identifying machinist type stuff if anyone should ever need it.
That should be good enough for a "Hi, I'm here" post.