I picked this up really reasonable on eBay. The seller, who turned out to be Carl Bolt (of Bolt's Antique Tool museum) listed it as a weaponry wrench.
I don't know what it is, but it is pretty cool.
Here's what I know:
-it's about 7" in length.
-the smallest opening is 1/4"
-the two larger openings opposite the small end are 7/16 & 11/16
-the screwdriver is just a flat screwdriver 5/16" wide.
-the logo nearest the small end is that of Chicago Mfg. and Distributing according to the AA site.
-The logo nearest the two other openings is unknown as far as I can find.
-The first letter looks to be a worn 'O', but could be a 'U' for all I know.
-the side not shown is blank, no markings.
I figure since Mr. Bolt never identified it completely, then maybe the group together as a whole will!!!!
I believe if anyone can get this one, this group of tool hounds can!!! Rusty, get your researching cap on!!!!