Author Topic: I opened my secret santa gift today  (Read 5606 times)

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Offline mrchuck

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2011, 05:58:29 PM »
To John's Iron Sanctuary,,,,, You are welcome!
I have owned that drill since the 1960's.
No nameplate then.
I am sure it is older than that.
It is stout! Really stout
I built a few custom houses on the side, back in the 70's.
Trying to keep up with the inflation and all.
 On one house, a 2 story with a 235 # snow load roof, high up in the Sierra Nevada, I had to cut a drain waste 3" hole thru a pair of 2" x 6" plates in an already studded up interior wall.
The customer made a "change in plans" on a toilet location..
So, I chucked up a 3 1/4" Milwaukee hole cutter in that drill, got a good purchase and sunk the pilot drill in the marked place, and began to drill.
Remember there were two 2x6's already nailed in place.
Well, I hit a nail in the hidden 2x6, and the hole cutter stuck and the drill torque threw me into the next stud and the drill kept turning pinning me in the next stud pinning my ribs. I couldn't get my hand off the trigger as it was jammed.
There I was stuck with a running drill,still drilling away.
I yanked and yanked and finally got it un-plugged.
I was ok, bruised ribs and bruised hand.
Anyway, the drill has plenty of power, and have used it over the years since then.
I am now too old to use it as it was designed.
Maybe you can drill some holes in steel with it.
Molon Labe

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2011, 10:37:14 PM »
Thanks Mr Chuck. it is nice to know the history of a piece. I'll treat it with the respect that it deserves. Having been for a few minor drill gun rides, I may treat it to a pipe handle before I use it.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

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Offline skipskip

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2011, 09:53:26 PM »
Being a geezer in training, I cant stay up till midnight on Christmas eve any more.

So I opened my Secret Santa gift early.

I got a very nice 3/8 breaker bar and a 3/8 ratchet to go with it.

They will be perfect for my newly started basement tool kit.

Thanks Dustin, it is a thoughtful and useful gift.

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2011, 11:18:01 PM »
Santa Keykeeper brought me a nice spoke shave, a couple files for knife stock, some real nice West Virginia black walnut for knife scales and some nice leather for knife sheaths...

Thank you very much sir, it will all be put to good use…
If all else fails use a bigger hammer…
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Offline 1930

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2011, 07:21:59 AM »
I did initially sign up for the S.S. but then never followed thru. I have been working day and night to finish a project here at home and THOUGHT I could have it done by Christmas in doing so therefore I did not feel that I had the time needed to get involved.
 I did however receive a gift regardless and it was very much appreciated, I consider myself pretty knowledgeable on the details concerning 29/30 Dodge Brother Automobiles and have a fairly decent data collection of all Dodge Brother motor vehicles 1928-maybe 1936 but that ( some 1914-28) can get pretty vague depending on the subject matter.
I did receive this hub-cap that had an I.D taped to it of 1928, I will need to confirm this and will do so with pleasure. Its not often that I receive gifts that really peak my interest, I received the double ended custom job crescent last year and although its a little bit rustier than when given me it gets used daily almost. It is one of my go-to crescent wrenches.
It was a very thoughtfull gift and a kind gesture from Noel and will not be forgotten.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 07:27:06 AM by 1930 »
Always looking for what interests me, anything early Dodge Brothers/Graham Brothers trucks ( pre 1932 or so ) and slant six / Super six parts.

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2011, 07:31:09 AM »
Santa Keykeeper brought me a nice spoke shave, a couple files for knife stock, some real nice West Virginia black walnut for knife scales and some nice leather for knife sheaths...

Thank you very much sir, it will all be put to good use…

You are very welcome, Sir!! I can't think of any better home for the spokeshave!! Sorry I didn't get it cleaned up any better, I was against the clock on amertracs time line for shipping!!! LOL


Santa Skipskip brought me a cool vintage Dayton flexible shaft grinder and a Wards Master Quality 1-1/4" socket in 1/2" drive for my Wards Master socket set!!!

Thanks Skip, both items will be used and adored. The flex-shaft grinder will be mounted at my "tinkering" bench and will probably get used more than my dremel tool.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 07:33:10 AM by keykeeper »
-Aaron C.

My vintage tool Want list:
Wards Master Quality 1/2" drive sockets (Need size 5/8), long extension, & speeder handle.
-Vlchek WB* series double box wrenches.
-Hinsdale double-box end round shank wrenches.

Offline Dustin21

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2011, 09:21:44 PM »
 im to lazy to post a pic at the moment (christmas food does that to me im moving slower then a snail).
i recieved a drillbit,screwdriverbit,socket adapter set from bob aka ameritrac which will be placed in the truck for on the job use.

thanks bob and thanks to papaw for hosting this again :)

i love sk tools/boxes and indestro super/select tools if you have any for sale or want to part with let me know.  also need a  7/8 williams superench

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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2011, 04:41:19 PM »
Here's my Secret Santa from Papaw.

We were on a Photo Challenge site for over a year before the site folded, and Papaw knows how much I love his tree photos.  Thanks Papaw it will go over my desk. I didn't know that Loblolly pine grew that far west.  By the way the reason it was called loblolly was because the bark on a mature pine has the same look as the gruel that was fed to people traveling in the lowest class called steerage.   He also sent KatBird the lion photo as he knew how much she would enjoy it as she is half Kat.  And he sent a most delicate metal frame saw.

Thanks Papaw from KatBird and Stoney
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Re: I opened my secret santa gift today
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2011, 04:55:57 PM »
I got my Secret Santa gift early, and didn't realize it was Secret Santa!
Walker sent me several King Dick wrenches and a small adjustable like King Dick. Included was a Humber hubcap wrench.

Stoney- I just knew those would be perfect for you guys!
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