I thought that I would bump this old post from 2014. Still looking, other than a couple of hopeful responses from Bird, but nothing found to date, so here goes again. Now with a picture of the Caille motor.
Hello all, I have been looking for one of these for years. This wrench shows on the parts listings for the 1920 (ish) Caille Liberty Outboard motor. From the parts sheet illustration I'm guessing on the actual size being about 6 inch long. Also a guess that the big hex opening is 1 -1/8" , this based on the fact that that was a common size for the spark plug in use back then. Also a guess that this is a plain stamped wrench. The distinctive feature is the slot in the handle, again guessing that that was for use on the several wing nuts on this motor.
I'm looking to buy one... any chance that you have one kicking around? email at fixerjo@sbcglobal.net or PM me. Thanks for looking .
Joe B