It is absolutely and AMT lathe.
I am so sorry.
I have one just like it.
Decent work can be done on it, (everything I ever turned was done on one)
but you will never be able to love it if you ever used a "real" lathe. (practically anything that weighs more than the AMT's 27 pounds soaking wet)
Shaky, quaky, vibration generator deluxe. You will sand longer then you turn anything, for any decent result.
The spindle center probably doesn't line up with the tailstock center. Slow work with a file, and testing testing testing, will bring it closer.
Excellent machine to mount a large sanding disk or drum to!! Mount a Jacobs chuck and use all manner of small wire brushes and flap sanders etc etc.
I use mine every single day. I'd be lost without it. Sanding, grinding, buffing and more.
Just can't love it as a lathe.
yours Scott