...and it had little in the way of tools. I was in Duluth getting re-certified as a whitewater kayak instructor and found this sale in Clear Lake Iowa on the way home. The big score was hardware with a box of stainless screws, a box of wide flange rivets, etc. What I did score was some unique stuff, but hardly collectible. The first photo of the NAIL IT(not to be confused with college guys' mantra while on campus or clubin') has a magnet to hold a nail so you don't smash your fingers. Not sure how often I'll use it, but my fingers couldn't be happier. The other photo has the US made no name needle nose pliers, and the no name micro snap ring pliers. $10 for 30# worth of stuff. The stainless screws were worth twice that.
The other stuff is what my wife found surrogate shopping for me for 50 cents locally. She is developing a good eye for this stuff too. A 1325AE IH wrench, a no-namer, and the ignition wrench mix with a Remy, one with just the sizes marked on it, a Delco Bosch-Simms Auto-Light, an Eisemann Remy-Wagner, and an N.EAST CON SPLITDORF.