wrenches, you know i like small so these gotta go
1-doe S wrench no Marks but looks like it came over on the mayflower, beat up , good conversation piece
2- sbe IH no 3rj942r1
3-doe williamsno 35 11/16 x 31/32
4- billings doe 9/16 cap x 1/2 ca5- Williams no 709 1 1/4
5 vlchek doe
6- genuine stillson walworth mfg 12 in pipe wrench oldy but goody spring and teeth good
seller not responsible for the mailman's hernia
these wrenches are beyond heavy but they fit in a medium box. you send me the postage of $11.50 and they will be on the way to your house
just in case of snow I will throw in two head bolt wrenches one is mossberg and one is model a
for traction for the mail truck bob w.